“Enabling the Payments Ecosystem”
Agnostic Paytech for Everything Payments
A Pure Cloud, Mobility and Blockchain Host Payment Switch for Contact and Contactless Payment Schemes

What is a Payment Switch?
The modernization of true Payments Orchestration in an ever-expanding grand unification of physical and virtual worlds that interconnect and integrate disparate networks of marketplaces, wallets, and various online and offline communities and stakeholders. These world’s can be multi-linear, open-ended or close-ended and are modeled for B2B, B2C and P2P.
What are Embedded Payments?
Embedded Payments are integrated or built-in, fully-agnostic payment schemes, and gateways with infrastructures that serve as an accelerated method to market. As a result this Agnostic strategy the result is an unique ability to seamlessly expand client rails in precise unison with the XPay. World Payment Host that is designed to make this future ready today by delivering a Pure Cloud Agnostic Payment Host.
Xpay.World offers its own Agnostic PCI compliant/certified Payment Processing Infrastructure optimized for Cloud and Mobile, capable of L3 certification of any Android terminal, and can be immediately white labeled for our clients globally.
1. Terminal Management System (TMS),
2. Merchant Management System (MMS)
3. Payment Switch (Cloud),
4. Hardware Service Module (HSM)
5. Integrations: API’s, Webservices and Sandbox
All above all Certified on a “Cloud Instance” and can be rebranded, reallocated, and replicated anywhere globally with minimal adjustments.
XPAY as one of the few companies globally that has built a whollistic payment environment, has a Payment Facilitation License and capable of white labelling the entire platform for Banks, Acquirers, Enterprises, and Manufacturers to accelerate their entry into the Payment World for :
Android Terminals, eCommerce, Shopping Carts, Virtual Terminals, MOTO, Unattended Terminals and Semi-Integration to ERP’s.
Our Industry-defining Embedded processes and utilities are the best of breadth for proven Payment technology Cloud Software architecture for infrastructures, networks and ecosystems. They are designed, built, and certified to embed into Cloud, Mobility, Blockchain, Brick&Mortar ever-expansive digital worlds such as metaverses and super-apps for Banks and Enterprises.
How does Xpay’s Payment Host compare to the Single Channel Processors of yesteryear?
XPay with Embedded Payments
Agnostic to the Acquirer, Cloud, expansive, dynamic, designed for evolving worlds with evolving variables.
Extrinsic Processing
Closed, static, designed for fixed channels with fixed outcomes.